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Our Strategy

Equitable Community Electrification

The Eco-D Equitable Electrification Initiative (E3) will organize neighborhoods into EcoDistricts that have the necessary relationships, plans, and resources to rapidly scale equitable electrification and clean energy development in Detroit, River Rouge, and Highland Park, Michigan one Eco-D at a time. E3 will build on the successful Eco District (Eco-D) approach, which brings neighbors together to create sustainability plans and implement projects with the support of technical experts and municipal partners looking toward the goal of Net Zero Emissions. E3 will create four new Eco-Ds in the region and expand Detroit’s active Eco-D communities.


EcoDistricts connect communities to resources such as home energy audits, electrification plans, support in leveraging IRA rebates and other resources such as referential purchasing with contractors through bulk purchasing relationships, and education on innovative technologies such as cold-climate heat pumps, 120-v water heaters and stoves, and small 120v solar. The project will also engage local unions, workforce training providers and contractor networks to create a model for a workforce accelerator that will connect Eco-D residents with apprenticeship and training opportunities and create a referral network to ensure Eco-D residents access local jobs as electrification efforts reach their neighborhoods.

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